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There is a profound spiritual brokenness leading to purposelessness that is devastating lives today but so many are powerless to break free. Join us as we discover there is both healing and divine purpose found only through Jesus Christ!

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At times we forget who is totally in control of this world. The obstacles and battles we face in this life have no match for our God. Join us as we look at God heart to forgive and restore us.

We spend a lot of our time trying to figure out what makes us happy, when the real questions we should be asking ourselves is how can we continuously be in right standing with God. Join us as we are reminded to look to the king of Kings who is the author and finisher of our faith.

Sometimes difficulty letting go of past hurt can keep us from enjoying the wonderful future God has for us. As we look at the life of Joseph, we will see how God can make you forget the pain of your past as you embrace a new season of blessed fruitfulness!

In a world full of pain and disappointment, we can easily succumb to doubting the faithfulness of God. Join us as we examine the calling of Thomas and discover that Jesus does not condemn us in our moment of weakness, but He  provides the assurance we need to make our faith stronger than ever!

In our busy and chaotic world today, it is easy to feel unnoticed and unseen. Join us and experience the transformational power of being SEEN BY GOD!

Luke 5:1-15

At times life’s situations leaves us broken & hopeless wondering if there is anything we can do. Join us as we look at how a step of faith could totally change the trajectory of our lives!

There are times in life when our struggle is so great that we find ourselves wrestling with God in deep prayer for breakthrough. As we look at Jacob’s encounter with God in Genesis 32, we will discover that desperate, persistent prayer will not only bring about God’s blessing, but we are also transformed in the process!

Sometimes fear and anxiety can be so overwhelming that we feel paralyzed and unable to move forward.  We will discover that Jesus understands what it means to have a troubled heart, and He offers us a way out of fear into His perfect peace.

We are eager to see what the new year has in stored. If we don’t make certain changes, we will face similar struggles. Join us as we are encouraged to walk into this new season with faith and actions that are rooted in Gods word and promises.

Celebrate the birth of Christ with us!

The outrageous love of God in sending His only Son to die on behalf of a rebellious people, is nothing short of scandalous. Join us as we reflect on the scandal of Christ’s birth, the scandal of the Cross, and the scandal of His grace toward sinners.

Sometimes, situations in our everyday lives can tempt us to doubt God’s Word. We see moments of doubt all throughout the Scriptures. Join us as we look at how we can overcome these moments of doubt by continuing to believe in God’s plan for us!

We crave and desire many things in life but where does this inner longing come from, and why does it never seem to be satisfied? Join us as we discover how to avoid the surface gravitational pull to worldly things and satisfy the deeper longings of your soul in Christ!

When we struggle to find healing, we can find ourselves asking why, but the answer might be one step of obedience away. Join us and find healing as one man did by simply obeying Christ’s voice to go wash his face!

There are so many things in life that we tend to focus on & elevate them to be the reason why we are here. These are distractions that pull us away from our relationship with God. Join us as we look at how we can keep our hearts centered on Christ.

Jesus & Barbbas: They represent the worship of man and the worship of God.  Join us as we expose the danger of looking to flawed human leadership for salvation and be empowered to choose worship of the one true savior, Jesus Christ!

We have all heard the story of David & Goliath, but do we really understand the powerful gospel message it represents? Join us as we unlock the true meaning behind this incredible story and reveal the key to living a victorious life through Jesus Christ!

We live in a world that tells us we get to choose our own identity, but the Word of God tells us otherwise. Join us Sunday at 10am as we look at the power we receive when we understand who we are in Christ!

When we read the scriptures we are always encouraged to have faith. Although our hearts desire to do so at all times as Christians, the events happening around us can cause our faith to be shaken. Join us as we are reminded of the importance of standing firm in our faith so that we see the promises of Gods word.

At times life has a way of making us feel inadequate, especially when we look at the world through the lenses of our own strengths and weaknesses. Join us as we are reminded of the call that is upon our lives and how God wants to walk with us through it all.

We live in a world so filled with brokenness it can become discouraging. Why have I struggled for so long without relief? Is there anywhere I can really find healing? Join us as we look at the 8th chapter of Jeremiah and discover that healing for your sole can only be found in Jesus Christ!

Forgiveness is something that is difficult to give or receive. The human nature cannot always comprehend forgiving people especially when they continue to wrong us. Join us as we are reminded of the forgiveness we have been freely given through the cross and how we can also offer the same to others through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Lord leads us who desire to live in obedience. We may doubt at times due our experiences but our paths are still laid out by the Lord. Join us as we are reminded of how our steps are ordered by the Lord.

This world is designed to draw us away from faith in Christ so what can we do if we sense our hearts are growing cold toward God? Join us as we examine the causes of a spiritually hardened heart and learn how to reinvigorate your heart so that it burns with passion for Jesus once again!

If the life, death and resurrection of Christ is true, have you ever wondered why our Christian lives lack the power Jesus promised? In this final message on the life of Elijah, we will discover how to be an effective witness for Christ by living in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Jesus in His ministry continued to invite people to live in the kingdom of God, but what does this mean and what does this look like? Join us as we look at how we can be kingdom minded and be enabled by the power of Holy Spirit to live a kingdom life!

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We live in an impatient culture obsessed with instant gratification, but true spiritual development takes time. In this 6th part of our Elijah series, we are encouraged to stay the course as God forms the character of Christ in our lives!

In the midst of all that happens in our lives, there is always hope. In His word, Jesus reminds us to trust in Him. Although our hearts desire to do so, it is not always easy. Join us as we are reminded to wait on God to give us strength to overcome.

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The prophet Elisha was a man who left everything to follow God’s purpose for his life. This week as we continue in our Elijah series, we will examine the calling of Elisha and learn how we too can embrace our divine calling by letting go of your past and totally surrendering our future to Christ!

There are times in life when we feel so overwhelmed and discouraged, we want to give up. Join us as we continue in our series in the life of Elijah and learn that there is spiritual replenishment and fresh vision for our lives as we listen to the voice of Christ!

Many times our troubles are rooted in our lack of faith and understanding of who Christ says He is in our lives. Join us as we are reminded of the promises and encouragement He has given us through His word.

The gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ is too good to keep to ourselves. Join us as we learn that reaching out to our friends & family with the love of Christ is the heartbeat of the church!

It’s hard following Christ in this generation because there are so many competing philosophies and societal pressures vying for our allegiance. Join us as we continue in our series on the life of Elijah and experience the transformational power that comes from making the decision to wholeheartedly worship Christ alone!

We have all experienced times of lack, whether it be a lack of money, a lack of strength or even a lack of hope. Join us as we continue our series on the life of Elijah and discover the key to unlock unlimited supernatural provision, even in times of scarcity!

The book of Ephesians show us the spiritual battles that we can see & often times focus on but how we also overlook the spiritual battles that we can’t see. Join us as we are reminded of the power & authority we have in Christ to overcome & resist the devil.

When a season of blessing comes to an end and we enter into time of adversity we can feel helpless and hopeless. Join us as we look at the life of Elijah and learn that when your source of provision runs dry God has a larger purpose to develop your character and lead you into even greater blessing!

The world promotes the idea of being successful but what is true success in God’s eyes, and how do we attain it? Join us as we look at God’s message to Joshua (Joshua 1:1-9 and learn how to pursue God’s purpose for your life and find true success that brings a profound fulfillment the world cannot provide!

In our materialistic culture we can focus so much on acquiring material wealth that we miss the miracle God wants to perform in our lives. Join us and learn how to refocus your attention on Christ so He can release His miracle working power in your life!

In our materialistic culture we can focus so much on acquiring material wealth that we miss the miracle God wants to perform in our lives. As we examine the healing of the blind beggar in Acts 3, you will learn how to refocus your attention on Christ so He can release His miracle working power in your life!

Trading Your Fear for Faith

Sometimes when believers experience hardships, they can feel abandoned by the Father. But is this so? Join us as we look at how God can use all of our circumstances for our good.

Deep down inside maybe you felt a calling to some greater purpose but over time disappointment and failure made you feel as though your time had passed. As we examine the calling of Moses, you will learn how God has been working behind the scenes throughout your life, preparing you to fulfill a unique calling that will change the world forever!

The world is currently pushing for people to identify themselves in whatever manner they desire. This has brought so much confusion and emptiness for many who have bought into the narrative. Join us as we look at who we are in Christ and the purpose he’s given each individual in this world.

We often think people who are born in less than ideal circumstances are not as valuable and cannot be used by God. Join us as we discover that God often uses the least likely people to make the greatest impact on the world for his glory!

Spiritual leaders usually arise amid times of crisis and God uses courageous people to help birth them into existence. Join us as we begin a new series on the life of Moses and learn how you can become a fearless spiritual midwife, birthing God’s plan into being!

God has demonstrated His authority, power, & glory through signs & wonders, that have brought hope & faith to many. Showing a love & concern for His children which is unmatched. Join us as we call on our all powerful God to lead us through the days to come.

Love-Induced Spiritual Power

Join us as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Palm Sunday is a day we take to celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Join us as we look at a few key elements about the day that brought about the greatest act of love in all history.

Many people are reluctant to make certain sacrifices to follow Jesus so they live empty, self centered lives. As we reflect on Mary’s act of extravagant worship in John 12, we will discover the freedom and joy that comes from being willing to give all that we have in worship of Christ!

What are you beholding? What are you giving your attention to? What are you treasuring in your heart? Join us and discover that through beholding the glory of Christ you are transformed in His image, and you are made whole as you fulfill the very purpose for which God created you!

God has called us to share His gospel and bring hope, freedom and joy to a sometimes scary and intimidating world. Join us as we look at the transformative power of God that can work through ordinary people like you and me to bring change to a fallen world.

Hebrews 12 describes two different spiritual experiences represented by two different mountains. One mountain represents Christians who feel secure and loved by their heavenly Father, while the other mountain represents believers who live under a cloud insecurity and fear. Which mountain are you climbing? Join us as we come to Mount Zion, where we have access to a life of victory and joy in Christ!

Why do so many people feel lost, like they don’t belong? Join us as we learn how every human being is born into the world a spiritual orphan, but through Jesus Christ you can receive the Spirit of Adoption that will set you free to live an abundant life of freedom and purpose!

Many times we are faced with barriers that may seem too big for us to handle. Although it might be the case in the natural, we have to remember that the battle is not ours but the Lord’s. Join us as we look at how our battles should be won spiritually through prayer and worship!

In this life we live there are going to be many obstacles that try to prevent us from an encounter with the Lord. At times it is the blessing we have, the qualities we don’t have or even the environment around us. Join us as we look at the importance of sacrifice in our pursuit of Christ.

The storm clouds are gathering in our world today as economic, political and moral depravity grows by the day. Join us as we learn that God has a plan to deliver every child of God safely through the coming storm!

Have you ever wondered why it’s so difficult to maintain a consistent prayer life? Join us as we expose the underlying demonic assignment against prayer and reveal the incredible spiritual power of developing a consistent prayer life!

The year 2023 has come to an end and we now get an opportunity to enter the new year with a different attitude. If we are going to see major changes in the season to come we need to have a divine encounter with the Lord. Join us as we see how Jacobs' life was transformed after an encounter with the Lord.

With all the business of the holiday season, let’s not forget we are celebrating the coming of Jesus into the world! Join us for a special Candlelight Christmas Service.

In an effort to attract people there has been a tendency to turn the modern church into more of a place of entertainment to the point where important spiritual considerations become secondary. Join us and learn the danger of spiritual triviality versus the blessing of authentic, wholehearted devotion to Christ

Going from peace and prosperity to times of hardship can be disillusioning but could this be a blessing in disguise? Join us as we learn that God in His great mercy will sometimes allow us to go through times of difficulty to humble us, to bring about repentance and faith in Christ for our salvation!

How does the modern-day Christian overcome the constant pressure to adopt ideals and practices that are inconsistent with their faith? Join us as we continue in the Book of Daniel and discover the courage to stand for Christ knowing He will be with you in the fire of cultural intimation!

The Message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but the Power of God to those being saved. It is the Good News yet the conclusions made of it have been different. Join us as we are reminded of the importance of the Gospel in the world we currently live in.

Worship is a very powerful tool which can be at times misunderstood. The Lord has called us to worship but what does that look like? Join us Sunday at 10am as we are reminded of the impact worship has when we do it in spirit and in truth

Life brings changes in many different ways. Sometimes we can anticipate the change and it is exciting. Other times, change can be unexpected and frightening. Join us as we look at God's ability to transform our lives in an instant!

The word fear is used in different ways. The scriptures informs us to fear the Lord and also yet not to be fearful of the world. Join us as we look at the impact fear can have on a believers life.

What happens when you turn to God in a time of crisis, but things go from bad to worse?  Has God abandoned you or is there a deeper purpose at work?  Join us for the second part of our Daniel series and learn the importance of patiently relying on God to reveal “the hidden things” that will ultimately bring about your deliverance and manifest His glory!

Ever felt like you don’t belong?  Like you had been uprooted from all you hold dear and immersed in a world with an entirely different value system? Join us as we begin a new sermon series in the book of Daniel and discover how to stand firm for Christ in the midst of an increasingly godless spiritual climate!

Humanity is constantly seeking self-worth in what they have and what they do. We fall short when we try to find our worth solely within ourselves. In Philippians 3, Paul finds his ultimate confidence and worth in knowing Christ and his words can encourage us to do the same.

The greatest act of humility was Christ laying down His life for a fallen humanity. Paul teaches us in Philippians 2 to imitate Christ’s example. In this message, we will uncover some truth about the call on the believer’s life to live as humbly as Christ did.

The world needs a praying church! Although praying for ourselves comes easier, we always need to remember to pray for those around us. Philippians 1 encourages us to cultivate our hearts toward intercession!

The journey of life has its ups and downs. All of these shifts are totally worth it when we are at the center of God’s will. Join us as we are reminded of the benefits that come with being led by God.

As believers we tend to focus a lot on the physical aspects of life even though the Bible tells us that the battles we are fighting can only be won spiritually. We will look at scripture to be reminded of how through prayer we can experience victory in these battles!

Our human nature always wants more than we already have and struggles to be simply satisfied. Philippians 4 gives great insight into how we can be content at all times in Christ.

It seems counterintuitive, but if you want a life of prayer, don’t focus on prayer. Join us as we explore the secret to a robust and fulfilling prayer life and how to get there!

In life we all have moments of failure, but should this make our faith fail? Join us as we look at how to bounce back from moments of weakness and are still able to accomplish greatness.

Jesus gave us the command to love God with our all and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Loving Christ is easier to receive; it is loving our neighbors that can be the challenge. Join us as we look at how we can fulfill the 2 greatest commandments.

Waiting on God can be really difficult especially when we want things to be on our own time and in the way we want. But is this how God works? Join us as we look to Genesis 17 and are reminded of the importance and fruit that comes when we wait on God.

The amazing grace of Christ showered on us is a love that at times can be hard to comprehend. Looking at John 5, we are reminded of the pleasure of walking in the fullness of God’s incredible love for us!

The call to surrender is one that has been given to all believers. Even if our hearts are willing, surrender is not always easy to do. Join us as we are reminded of the power and freedom that comes with laying our burdens at the feet of Jesus.

We are constantly looking for deep fulfillment in relationships or career or entertainment, but somehow we never seem to get there.  As we look at the parable of the Treasure Hidden in a Field and the Pearl of Great price, you will learn that all other pursuits become secondary when you discover the source of satisfaction to the deepest longings of your soul is Jesus Christ!

If there is one word that captures the spirit of this current age, it’s CONFUSION. Confusion about sexuality, confusion about biology, confusion politically, and confusion about the legitimacy of the concept of truth itself!  Even the church is dealing with confusion about true versus counterfeit Christianity. Join us as we learn how to navigate through “the weeds among the wheat” until God reveals His true sons and daughters at the end of the age!

If God’s Kingdom is ever-expanding and growing, why do our spiritual lives sometimes feel sluggish and stagnant? Join us as we examine the parable of the mustard seed and discover the key to unlocking explosive spiritual growth in your walk with God!

Sometimes as committed Christians we can be tempted to feel more entitled to God’s favor than other seemingly less engaged believers. Join us as we take a look at the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, and discover that one of the keys to living a joy-filled Christian life is maintaining a heart of gratitude for God’s generous mercy that none of us deserves!

Have you ever wondered why some people start out strong in their faith but eventually fall away? Is there a way we can evaluate our spiritual condition & be sure we belong to Christ? Join us as we begin a new series about the nature of God’s Kingdom as revealed in the parables of Christ!

The church of Jesus Christ is a very misunderstood, misrepresented & maligned institution in our society today. Join us as we define the true nature of the church as a place where people who recognize their broken, helpless condition can turn to God for salvation; it is a spiritual hospital on mission, where the patients are healed and then become agents of God’s healing throughout the world!

There are certain promises from God’s Word that, for whatever reason, remain elusive to us. So we give up on pursuing them. Join us as we learn how Caleb finally laid claim to Hebron in Joshua 14, and receive fresh faith to lay hold of unclaimed promises that belong to us in Christ!

As a child of God, we will fight many spiritual battles. But sometimes we face multiple assaults at the same time, which can feel overwhelming. Join us as we continue our series in the Book of Joshua and discover the power of prayer to overwhelmingly conquer all of our enemies through Jesus Christ!

We face many enemies in our walk with God, but none are so insidious as those that gain access to our soul through deception, becoming entrenched in our lives over time. Join us as we continue our series in the book of Joshua and discover how to turn our “thorns in the flesh” into fuel for relying on God's grace, producing victory in our lives!

In difficult seasons, God will often find creative ways to bring us encouragement without our realization that He is at work. Join us as we examine Jesus’ unexpected visitation to two discouraged disciples in Luke 24 and discover how God may be trying to bring fresh encouragement in unexpected ways!

The resurrection of Christ is the single-most significant, transformative event in human history.  In this special Easter Sunday message you will discover why the resurrection of Jesus Christ changes how you view your past, how you live in the present, and gives you fresh hope for the future! THE RESURRECTION: This changes everything…

Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem with much anticipation and celebration, but most people were not prepared to receive His message of the gospel or his mission to go to the cross.  Join us as we prepare to be a true follower of the true Christ and experience true spiritual transformation!

As people continue to do what is right in their own eyes, God is raising up mighty warriors that will stand for His kingdom. Join us as we are reminded of victory experienced by those under God’s authority!

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Placing our faith in Christ for salvation changes our eternal destiny but it also begins a new process of spiritual growth in our lives.  Join us as we begin a new series in the book of Joshua and discover how to break through seemingly impermeable barriers to possess all the God has promised us through Jesus Christ!

It is easy to come to a place of hopelessness, especially when we place our hope in the wrong places. Join us as we are reminded of the redemptive power of Christ that is experienced by those who chose to put their hope in Him.

Because of our self-centered nature we are inclined to feel an aversion toward anything different than ourselves. We tend to be uncomfortable with people who look different, think differently, or act differently than we do. Join us and discover how the cross of Calvary provided the means for racial reconciliation, uniting all people groups in Christ!

Apart from divine intervention we all have an inner spiritual corruption that will ultimately lead to our destruction. The good news is that through Christ this process of spiritual decay can be reversed!  Join us we discover what it means to be RECREATED by God in true righteousness & holiness (Ephesians 14:4).

Jesus’s glory came from living in the Father's will. His life was the greatest example of how one can live in relationship with God. As we examine the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus in John 17, we will learn how to build and maintain a vibrant, life-giving relationship with the Father each day. 

Nobody starts out their Christian life aspiring to be spiritually lukewarm. It’s a gradual deterioration that happens over time. As we look at Christ’s message to the church of Laodicea in Revelation 3:14-22, we will discover the key to going from spiritual indifference to deep intimacy with Jesus! 

Throughout the scriptures, wind is a symbol for the Holy Spirit.  Much like wind directs a sailboat, God by the Holy Spirit directs the affairs of mankind to accomplish His will. Join us as we look at how the Holy Spirit can direct our lives to accomplish God’s divine purpose in the world!

What do we do when we feel so overwhelmed and weary that we lack the strength to go on? As we look at the life of Elijah the prophet we will see how turning to Christ in our weakness is the gateway to renewing our strength to press on and fulfill God’s purpose for our lives!

When Jesus came into Jerusalem the first thing He did was cleanse the temple. Join us as we consider the cost of genuine revival. Many want Jesus to come to our land and bring spiritual renewal, but are we willing to allow Him to cleanse the temple of our hearts and cleanse the church of its impurities to restore it to its intended purpose?

The enemy’s voice is always attempting to make us forget who our God is and who we are in Him. He will never leave us or forsake us, and we are reminded that our Heavenly Father is always for us and never against us!

Transformation simply means change. At the start of a new year, we often resolve to become better versions of ourselves, right? As we look at the story of Esther, we see that she understood God as the source of true transformative power, and the key was communicating with Him through prayer. This year, let’s resolve to give God our full attention to see Him transform our lives!

We all heave dream and desires. We start out dreaming big, but over time when the dream doesn’t materialize, we often settle for a mediocre, less inspiring vision for our lives.  But when we trust the Lord to reignite our dreams and restore our vision, God can do great things through lives!

What do we do when the darkness feels so overwhelming and we cannot see a way out?  As we look at Psalm 107, we will discover that even in our darkest hour if we will cry out to God, He can break though the darkness and flood our soul with the light and life of Christ!

People today are increasingly feeling distressed and aimless, without a sense of purpose for their lives. Join us as we are reminded that Jesus has great compassion for this lost generation, and He wants to be their Good Shepherd, to heal them and lead them in the way of everlasting life!

On that fateful night in Gethsemane before Jesus was taken captive, He repeatedly told his disciples to keep watch & pray. Yet they remained fast asleep. We live in a similarly critical hour today where Jesus is calling us to awake from spiritual slumber and cry out to God in prayer!

We all desire to be like Christ but at times it is easy for us to start comparing ourselves to others. We can even find ourselves imitating the values of this world. Join us and be reminded that we are called to be different in our pursuit of Christ!

Although we live in a physical world, we cannot overlook the existence on the spiritual realm. Through rebirth, our spiritual eyes have been opened to see beyond the naked eye. Join us and be reminded of the lens and perspective through which we are to view the world.

A lighthouse keeper’s job is to keep the lamp burning brightly so that boats can see the light shining in the darkness and navigate their way to safety. Christians are much like much like lighthouse keepers, called to keep the light of Christ emanating from our lives, shining brightly so that people living in darkness may see the light of the gospel and be saved!

When you think of a life of great significance and impact for good, what sort of person comes to mind? We will examine the amazing triumph of Jonathan and his armor recorded in 1 Samuel 14 and discover that embracing our role as an “armor bearer” is the key to becoming a catalyst for spiritual breakthrough in the world!

God has given us the blueprint to the abundant life but at times we disregard it and follow our own human desires. This can lead us into difficult places. The good news is that God's great mercy is there to deliver us when we repent and turn back to following Him!

When we’ve been deeply hurt by someone it can be very difficult to let go of the offense and forgive. We can get a fresh revelation of the profound depths of God forgiveness extended to us when we examine Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. With this understanding, we can be supernaturally empowered to forgive those who have hurt us.

There are many burdens we carry in life that can drain our spiritual strength and weigh down our soul. We will examine the famous words of Jesus found in Matthew 11:28-30 and discover the process by which we can come to Christ and allow Him to lift our burdens, replacing them with deep soul-rest.

Did you know there are hidden forces working tirelessly to derail you from your faith in Christ? We will uncover four key end-time strategies of the enemy that are causing many to fall away from Christ and discover the secret to remaining strong in our faith until the end!

We are living in a time where the church needs every believer to stand in God’s strength & proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, regardless of opposition.  As we reflect on the Apostle Paul’s words to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:1-8, you will be reminded of the commission we have all been given to change the world through the gospel of Christ!

As we navigate through the constant challenges and difficulties of this life, where can we turn for help? Looking at Psalm 91, we discover that there is a “secret place” in Christ where we can access divine protection, wisdom, and spiritual strength in a time of need.

When you consider the sinful nature of man and the spiritual forces arrayed against the believer, living the Christian life is definitely not easy. As we culminate our series on The Heart of Romans, we are reminded that through the love of God and the abiding work of the Holy Spirit, we can overwhelmingly conquer through Christ!

We desperately need spiritual renewal, but what does that really look like? We will identify the key features of a spiritual renewal and trust God to ignite our hearts afresh with passion for the things of His kingdom!


In a world filled with chaos it is easy to overlook the One who who actually has the final authority. There is encouragement for us as we are reminded of the power of Christ!


How can we live under the influence of the Holy Spirit and how would that impact our lives? We will look at just we can learn to walk in the liberating power and guidance of the Spirit of God, and how that can be a critical point in our freedom.



Is it really possible to live a life that is pleasing to God, free of controlling sinful attitudes and behaviors? Join us as we begin a new series entitled “The Heart of Romans” and discover that through Christ’s atoning death and resurrection we are truly empowered by God’s grace to live a victorious life free of the grip of sin!


Many times we wonder what is God’s will for our lives. As we live in total pursuit of Him, we are reminded of the great purpose He has for our lives!


Many sincere believers want to hold onto biblical truth but are confused and intimidated by relentless exposure to opposing cultural values. Join us as we explore how to unapologetically stand for truth while continuing to love and respect our neighbor, even when they disagree with us.

What are the ramifications of having a one-dimensional view of God without regard for other vital aspects of his character? We hear often about the kindness of God in these days; however, that kindness is balanced with His severity. When we understand both of these characteristics in balance, there is great potential for growth in our lives.



There are many things we desire in life, things that at times take most of our attention. But should it be so? Join us as we look at the 3rd chapter of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians and receive encouragement to desire knowing Christ above all else!

So many of us feel stuck in life, unable to break out of cycles of defeat and spiritual stagnancy. As we examine the miraculous Israelite Jordan River crossing after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, you will receive fresh encouragement to finally break through the barriers and limitations that are keeping you from accomplishing all that God has for your life!

Have you ever wondered what is actually happening when a sincere Christian goes through a season of trial or spiritual dryness? As we examine the Israelite’s post-exodus wilderness journey, we see that God enrolls every authentic believer in His “wilderness” school of spiritual development, where the character of Christ is forged in your life!

How does the incredible scriptural account of the Israelites being delivered from Egypt have relevance today to our salvation in Christ? We can gain profound perspective on the powerful deliverance from sin and the powers of hell that is available through Jesus.

In the midst of all the chaos, many have become restless as their hearts are filled with questions about the future. When we fully surrender to God, we are reminded that hope is ours even when things around us seem impossible.

Our knowledge is limited, and we are often blinded to the truth that can set us free and draw us closer to God. Join us and discover how Christ can remove the veil that blinds you from understanding and experiencing all the incredible blessings God has prepared for you!

Most of us are afraid to admit failure so we hide our struggles and suffer alone. But what if the pathway to success is forged through acknowledging our own limitations? Join us and discover that failure can become the gateway to the breakthrough power of God being released in your life!

We are an impatient people that want results without putting in the effort. The same is often true spiritually, and Jesus is essentially asking the question, “Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifice to follow me?” The answer to this question will determine whether you live a defeated Christian life, or a spirit-empowered, victorious life in Christ!

Why do the vast majority of us (roughly 62% according to statistics) struggle with ongoing fear and anxiety, and how can we overcome it? Join us as we discover how encountering Jesus in several key areas of your life can free you from debilitating anxiety and release you into the peace and joy of the Lord!

Should we stand by and just watch as the forces of the world try to hinder our purpose? We will look at the Scriptures to be reminded of the power and authority we have in Christ to overcome these distractions and disillusionments.

From a young age we have an innate sense of purpose and aspire to do something meaningful with our lives. As believers, how do we find our purpose and go about accomplishing it? As we study Paul’s instruction to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4, we will uncover the keys to fulfilling your unique calling to know Jesus and make him known!

As Christians we are often told to read the Bible and pray, but what is the actual benefit of prioritizing seeking God? We will discover the devastating consequences of not regularly investing in our relationship with God, versus the incredible, eternal blessings of putting God first in our lives!

Through our upbringing, our education, and social influences our life begins to move in a certain direction. But so often the path we chose that we thought would lead to happiness, brings nothing but regret and despair. As we examine the Apostle Paul’s conversion experience in Acts 9, we see how one encounter with Jesus can radically recalibrate the direction of our lives, bringing fresh vision and purpose for our future!

We live in a world that esteems power and wealth, but is that how God values greatness? Join us as we explore the importance of servanthood, and learn how to make sure our lives and leadership reflect the greatness of God in all His ways!

God created mankind with an emotional component, allowing him to experience beautiful feelings like love and compassion, but also negative feelings like fear and anxiety. In this 4th part of our series “The Art of Loving God”, you will discover the balance of enjoying healthy emotional expression without allowing your life to be controlled by the volatility of your emotions.

We want to please God in all our ways, but we often have a hard time controlling our own will (that part of us that makes decisions). In part 3 of our series “The Art of Loving God,” you will learn how to align your will with God’s will so you can prosper in all your ways!

We are called to love God with all our minds but with so many worries and distractions to keep us mentally preoccupied, we rarely take time to think about our relationship with God. As we continue in our series “The Art of Loving God”, we will discover how to develop a lifestyle of engaging our minds to love Christ in a way that will change our lives forever!

Jesus taught that we should Love God and love our fellow man but that’s not easy to do in a world of confusion about the nature of God and the brokenness of mankind. In this new series we will discover from Jesus several vital keys to wholeheartedly loving God. In this first message we will focus on how to fully engage our heart in loving God.

As He taught us how to pray, Jesus said, "Give us today our daily bread" what was he showing us? Join us as we are reminded of the total dependency we can have in God's provision.

In our postmodern culture, we have been conditioned to live life confined to our natural abilities and finite resources. Join us as we learn how to stop being limited by our natural instincts and capabilities, and be empowered to live life in the supernatural realm where the possibilities are limitless!

With the proliferation of cell phones and social media we live in a perpetual state of total immersion in the world’s values and priorities. As we study the end-time fall of Babylon detailed in Revelation 18, we will discover how to resist the trappings of an overwhelming godless culture and recommit to living for Christ and His purpose for our lives!

When we face difficulties in life over an extended period of time, we can feel worn out and unmotivated to continue the fight. The Apostle Paul faced ongoing severe persecution, yet he remaining faithful until the end. As we study Philippians 3, we will discover the secret to Paul’s perseverance and gain fresh motivation and strength to “press on” toward the goal of fulfilling God’s plan for our lives!

Reeling from the effects of the pandemic, the church has struggled in 2021, and so many believers feel beat up and bruised spiritually. Join us as we come to God in humility and repentance, and receive spiritual refreshment so desperately needed in this hour!

Candlelight Christmas Service - “But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10)

At a time of great darkness, the prophet Isaiah predicted the light of Christ coming into the world. But who was this savior, and what would He be like? In Isaiah 9, there are several key character traits of Christ that we will examine and marvel at what a wonderful savior we have in Jesus!

Suffering is part of the human condition but it can often lead to debilitating despair and hopelessness. As we continue in 1 Peter chapter 4, you will discover that as a believer you never have to suffer in vain. Your suffering can have redemptive meaning and purpose in Christ!

What a privilege it is to be justified and be made righteous through Christ. It is an honor that can at times be challenged in the world we live in. In this third part of our series in 1 Peter, we are reminded that we can still live out our righteousness in the midst of persecution.

Covid-19 has been a traumatic global event but there is another less visible twin pandemic that is ravaging our world today: loneliness & purposelessness. In a world of social media, people are increasingly isolating themselves relation-ally without connection to a greater collective purpose in life. As we continue our series in 1 Peter, we will discover what it means to be “living stones” that are built together in loving community, with a shared purpose of glorifying Christ!

When a person is truly born again, they undergo a radical transformation and life can never be the same. Join us as we let go of the past and discover how to live a new life of purpose and victory in Christ!

Many have acquired information about the nature of God but their lives remain unchanged. In this important message, we will learn that for there to be true spiritual transformation, your belief about God cannot be derived from someone else. You need an abiding personal revelation of Christ through the Holy Spirit!

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When society has moved away from the things of God and much of the church has lost its fervor, what can sincere believers do? As we look at the prophet Malachi’s message to a people in deep spiritual decline, we will discover that God never forgets His faithful ones, and He extends divine blessing upon those committed to building spiritual community!

Sometimes we can feel powerless to make a difference in the face of such oppressive darkness in this world. Join us as we discover that through Jesus we can become part of God’s plan to shine His light for people overwhelmed by the darkness!

In the midst of all the chaos around us, what do you hold onto for survival? Hebrews 10 & 11 remind us that our faith can be unshakable and carry us through these times!

It has never been popular to live the Christian life, especially in a counter-Christian culture. As we look at the 13th chapter of the book of Hebrews, we will examine how embracing the reproach of Christ generates the power that fuels our witness for Jesus!

It’s not easy to walk in the righteousness of Christ; there are many struggles and challenges along the way. We will discover that as we prioritize our relationship with Jesus and surrender to His ways, we will experience “the peaceful fruit of righteousness” (Hebrews 12:11).

Many times we get consumed by everything that happens around us. But should it be so? Looking through Psalm 24, we are reminded to celebrate the finished work of the cross everyday in our lives.

What do you do when you feel so anxious & overwhelmed that you find it hard to function? Join us as we learn that God is intimately acquainted with all our anxious thoughts, and He alone can lead us in the way of peace and purpose in Christ!

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All people want to find happiness in life; but in a world with deep inequities, sickness, and many forms of suffering, joy is an elusive commodity. We will differentiate between the world’s shallow view of happiness as compared to true joy that comes from knowing God. Join us as we discover how to tap into a deep joy in Christ that cannot be diminished, regardless of circumstances!

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Some say salvation is a free gift available to anyone who would believe, while others say the way is narrow and only few find it. How difficult is it, really, to get into heaven? Join us as we examine an encounter Jesus had with a wealthy young man (Mark 10:17-27), and discover both the high cost, as well as the infinite value of following Christ!

So many of our young people are disillusioned & hurting as they navigate the darkness in our world today. Sometimes the challenges they face seem overwhelming, and we feel powerless to help them. As we examine the account of Jesus encountering a desperate father and his demonically oppressed son in Mark 9, we will discover that Jesus holds the key to hope & healing for the next generation!

Many times our hope as people is placed on practical and physical things, but does this always work? However, our hope is in God and His supernatural ability, and that is good news!

If we love God and want to please Him, why do we often struggle to overcome many of our spiritual battles? We will discover how to live a life of victory over the darkness as we explore what it means to truly be an overcomer in Christ!

Jesus said the days of Noah would come again with people living their lives as usual without realizing the judgement of God is around the corner. Join us as we explore how are empowered to preach the gospel and gather our spiritual family into the ark that is Christ.

What happens when a prayer becomes a cry from the depths of your soul? Throughout the Bible we find that this kind of prayer yields incredible results, bringing about breakthroughs and deliverance. Join us as we learn how to turn our pain into power and our trouble into triumph through prayer!

To fully live and walk in God’s mercy is the heart of the Father for His people. God’s amazing love, that He poured out on the cross, is key us knowing just how we can be forgiven and be fully alive in His mercy.

In our walk of faith, we at times encounter giants that seem insurmountable. These can threaten to be limiting factors in our lives. We will take a look at the power we can possess when we truly believe in God's faithfulness and His promises to us that we can overcome these giants.

Considering all the problems in the world, have you ever wondered if anything you do will even make a difference? Join us as we examine some incredible Biblical and historical accounts and discover how a single act of love can set off a chain reaction that will affect many lives for generations to come, even into eternity!

At times, the world makes us feel unworthy to be used by God. But is that what God says about us? NO! He chooses us as His children, to reveal His glory!

If the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ is true, have you ever wondered why our Christian lives lack the power Jesus promised? In this final message on the calling of Elisha, we will discover how to live an abundant, fruitful life in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Have you ever been frustrated with the rate of your spiritual growth? We live in an impatient culture, but true spiritual development takes time. As we continue our study of Elisha’s calling, we will consider the amazing benefits of engaging in the process of discipleship.

The prophet Elisha was a man who left everything to follow God’s purpose for his life. As we examine the calling of Elisha, we too can discover how we can embrace our divine calling by letting go of our past and totally surrendering our futures to God!

The world has tried to define the meaning and purpose of life, but what does the Bible say? We will take a look through some of the Scripture to see just how we have been invited to live life for the glory of God.

As we face life’s many challenges, along with the ongoing spiritual battle we are engaged in, sometimes they can obstruct and obscure God’s true heart for us. Psalm 103 is chock-full of incredible descriptions of God’s heart of love and mercy toward us as His children. Join us we expound on some of these amazing truths and glory in God’s incredible loving-kindness toward us!

If God loves me, why does he allow me to experience suffering? I’ve been praying through this struggle, so why won’t God take it away? In this encouraging message, we will address these questions and discover that God is doing a deeper work through our suffering to strengthen our faith and build the character of Christ in our lives!

Ever wondered why some people hear the gospel and respond by faith while others do not? Join us as we examine Zacchaeus’ encounter with Jesus and discover the keys to SEEKING & FINDING JESUS that will result in transformation & salvation!

At times we overlook the power found in the resurrection of Jesus. Join us as we examine how knowing Christ empowers us to live out our faith in His resurrection power!

Ever wondered why God chooses to use simple, unremarkable, flawed people to accomplish His purposes in the world? As we unpack the meaning of Christ entering Jerusalem on a donkey that first Palm Sunday, we will discover that God wants to use our humble, God-submitted lives to reveal Himself as Messiah to lost and dying world!

Jesus as the true vine and believers as the branches was a simple and profound illustration, yet practically we tend to complicate things. As we examine Christ’s words in John 15, we will discover what it really means to abide in Christ.

The resurrection of Lazarus was an incredible miracle, but it was also a profound object lesson for How God produces spiritual renewal in the life of a believer.  We will examine the resurrection of Lazarus and discover what it means to be raised from spiritual death into new life in Christ!

The world continues to try and discredit the works and person of Jesus, and believers struggle to fully comprehend Him. How can we cut through the confusion and find the truth about this carpenter from Nazareth? Join us as we paint a scriptural portrait of the true GREATNESS of Jesus.

Have you ever wondered what relevance Old Testament stories have with the New Testament gospel message? We will explore the parallels between Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice of His son Isaac and God’s willingness to sacrifice His Son, Jesus, to secure redemption for mankind!

How can we develop the kind of relationship with God that facilitates effective prayer on behalf of a spiritually declining nation? In Genesis 18, Abraham has an incredible encounter with God that provides great insight into how intimacy with God leads to effective intercessory prayer!

We all want God’s plan for our lives but sometimes when things don't unfold on our timetable or in the way that we've imagined, we can be tempted to take matters into our own hands. In part 4 of our series, Abraham becomes impatient and implements his own plan to bring about the promise of God. We will discover that waiting on God in faith is always the key to obtaining all that God has promised.

When you face difficult decisions, what is the process by which you choose the way forward? In Genesis 13, Abraham & Lot are faced with an important decision. As we examine their differing approaches, we will discover the effects of decisions made from two different perspectives.

As we continue in the Story of Abraham, we find there is a famine in the land and Abraham takes a detour from the path of God for his life. Often it’s in times of difficulty that we leave God's plan, but we will discover that God is faithful to guide us back to His will for our lives.

How could a pagan man leave everything to follow an unknown, invisible God? The story of Abraham’s calling is very much like our calling to follow Jesus. As we begin a new sermon series about the life of Abraham, we will explore how God reveals Himself to us and empowers us to follow Him!

When you are overwhelmed and afraid where do you turn? No matter how dreadful the crisis, if we turn to God in prayer, He will make a way through for us. As we study Jehoshaphat’s prayer in 2 Chronicles 20, we see how we can break through the darkness in our lives, utilizing the weapon of prayer and fasting.

A lot has happened this past year but should we be fearful? NO! The good news is that by putting our faith in God, we live in absence of fear!

At a time when we are surrounded by deception and falsehood, how do we break through the darkness and find THE TRUTH? Join us as we uncover the secret that prophets and Apostles of old employed to gain wisdom and understanding from God even in times of great darkness.

In the midst of all the chaos of the holiday season, let’s not forget the good news of Christmas! Let’s celebrate the coming of our Lord!

Becoming pregnant out of wedlock meant Mary would be maligned and misunderstood. Yet, she was chosen by God to bring the Messiah into the world. As we explore Mary’s amazing calling to be the mother of Jesus, we learn that being misunderstood or even rejected for our faith can never change the fact that we have been chosen by God for a very special purpose!

The Word of God says we are in the world but “not of this world” (John 18:36). What does this really mean? We will unfold how to navigate the many pitfalls of this world, as we live for the kingdom of God.

During these turbulent times of the pandemic and social/political division we can easily become discouraged and confused about what God is doing. Receive a fresh word of encouragement on how God will break through the apparent fruitlessness of this season to bring about a great spiritual renewal!

Nothing beats sitting by a fire on a cold winter’s night. But just like a fire, our passion for God can dwindle over time and will need to be rekindled. Discover how to rekindle your passion for God and His purpose for your life!

God has demonstrated His great love for us in sending His Son to the cross, yet so many are resisting the love of God today. Why? Discover that even today God is stretching out His arms in love to you personally. If we stop resisting God’s love and learn how to receive it, our lives will be changed forever!

We have become an impatient generation struggling with the concept of forbearance and self-restraint. There are some surprising benefits that come, however, when we wait on God.

Jesus wisely said, “A house divided will not stand” (Matthew 12:22). So how should Christians respond to the increasing political division in our culture today? By learning how to avoid discord, we can pursue our higher calling, ultimately promoting unity in Christ!

What if things are not as they seem? What if conventional wisdom about the meaning of life is wrong? What if the values and priorities of our culture are completely misguided? What if the whole thing was a great delusion that threatens to destroy your life? Join us as we uncover the great end-time delusion and reveal the truth that will set you free and save your soul!

Jesus exercised incredible authority in various ways (authority to speak truth, authority over the spiritual world, authority over the natural world, moral authority etc.) This authority was delegated to believers, but Christians rarely walk in that authority today.  We will examine how we can get back to walking in the authority of Christ in our lives so the church can get back to being a light to the world!

During this turbulent season it can be easier to focus on the familiar, but that will not get us though the difficult days ahead.  Join us as we unfold how fixing our eyes on Jesus is the only way to live the abundant life!

What do you do when you’ve failed so often that you feel beyond hope? We will learn that no matter what we have done or how long we have struggled, it’s never too late to turn to Christ for forgiveness and overcoming power!

Jesus promises to heal all who come to him in faith. But what if a person feels too broken, too sorrowful, or too sinful to reach out to Jesus?  In Mark 2:1-12 we find the friends of a paralytic breaking through a roof to bring him to Jesus. As we reflect on this moving account, we will discover the importance of helping the helpless find healing through Jesus Christ!

What are you contending for? What are you passionate about and what is driving you in life? As we reflect on the importance of our place in this moment in history, you will be inspired to take a stand for truth and earnestly contend for your faith in Christ!

We all have a God-given purpose but at times the flesh holds us back. Walking in the Spirit is one key that enables us to fulfill our destiny in Christ!

Today’s world is designed to induce stress and anxiety, but Jesus promised to give rest to the weary and heavy laden (Matthew 11:28).  What is the nature of this rest Jesus promised and how do we gain access to it? Join us as we unlock the life-changing truth about how to find rest for your soul in Christ!

There is no more powerful force in the universe than the Love of God as expressed through the life of and death of Jesus. This bond of love between a redeemed child of God and Jesus is so powerful, it is unshakable by the lesser powers of darkness arrayed against us in this world. Discover how to nurture a depth of intimacy with Jesus that will build an impenetrable wall of God’s love all around you as you walk through the storms of this life!

At times, life events can leave us hopeless. But in Christ there is always a way forward. In Psalm 69, we find an invitation from God to remedy our hopelessness. We can cry out to Him and receive help in our time of need!

Many people believe God was more demanding of obedience in the Old Testament, but Jesus was more loving in the New Testament.  Yet the scriptures tell us “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). As we identify the Angel of the Lord in Exodus 23 as none other than the preincarnate Christ, we will discover the many blessings of obeying Jesus, who is both Lord over our lives and Lover of our soul!

It is impossible to have an opinion without offending someone. Today if you say the wrong thing you can get cancelled. You may get ostracized through social media or even lose your livelihood. In this climate of intimidation, we are tempted to remain silent. We will examine the life of Moses and see how he confronted his own insecurities to overcome the spirit of intimidation and fulfill his calling to liberate God’s people from slavery. We, too, need to overcome the spirit of intimidation prevalent in today's culture and answer God’s call to share the love of Christ!

In Matthew 5:16 Jesus exhorts us to “let your light shine before men.” But how do we let our light shine in the growing social, political and spiritual darkness we see in the world today? Starting with Isaiah 60 and continuing with the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:14-16, we will examine what it means to let our light shine in this present-day darkness so as to bring purpose into our lives and usher in a much needed spiritual awakening!

The presence of God cannot be contained; what began with the establishment of God’s presence in Solomon’s temple would eventually engulf the whole earth through Christ. As we unpack Ezekiel’s incredible prophetic vision in Ezekiel 47, you will be inspired to jump into the river of God’s ever-expanding kingdom!

What will motivate a believer to face the growing, fierce opposition coming against Christ and His people? We will discover how experiencing and becoming secure in the love of God will empower you to fearlessly fight the good fight of faith in an antichrist world!

The world is shaking, and the church is largely sleeping. What will it take to awaken us from spiritual slumber?  This is a unique time where the people of God are being called to awaken and be divinely empowered to meet the great need of this hour!

We spend much of our lives striving for success in this world, but is it worth it? Looking at the life of Jacob, we can see how a shift in striving for depth in our relationship with God can result in His blessings in our lives and change a generation!

Jacob’s twenty years on the sidelines with Laban was not wasted time.  Similarly our time shut in with God during the pandemic was not wasted time.  As we examine Jacob’s time with Laban, we will see that God uses the detours in our lives to develop and prepare us for His glorious plan in the future!

What if the people of God have a far more direct connection to the powers of heaven than they ever thought possible? Looking at Jacob’s story, we can see how to gain access to the gateway to heaven.

More than any other person in the Bible, Jacob embodies the idea that people can change. As we contemplate the racial tensions in our society, we need Jacob’s story now more than ever. In this new series on the life Jacob, we will see how God can take a selfish, hateful heart and turn it into a heart of love for Him and all His people!

After witnessing the horrifying video of the senseless death of George Floyd, we are all processing feelings of outrage, anger, and sadness. Why and how does such disregard for human life persist in our society?  Our world is sick, and racial division is an evil part of the sin nature that desperately needs healing. Join us as we discover how Jesus breaks down the dividing walls that separate us, uniting all peoples under the banner of His love!

When we think of hardened criminals or those who have really hurt us, we want severe punishment exacted on them. Have we experienced God’s mercy in our lives? His plan for us is to experience and extend mercy. We can follow His lead and gain a heart of mercy, even for the ones who have hurt us.

“Do not fear” is the command most often given by God in the Bible. Yet we struggle with fear and anxiety more than any other emotion in our lives. God has given us six keys to empower us to overcome fear!

Sometimes even when we are trying our best to serve God, things still go wrong. We can get weary of our perpetual struggles and start to wonder if God sees or cares.God gave a discouraged prophet, Jeremiah, an ENCOURAGING word many years ago, and it will surely encourage the weary, struggling Christian today!

Living through this global crisis has raised some important questions.  Are we nearing the end of the age?  What will be the signs preceding Christ’s return? Jesus gave us answers to these questions 2000 years ago!

Through history, God has often separated His people for a season in preparation for a special purpose. While we are shut in with God during this pandemic, could God be preparing His church for a coming spiritual awakening?

Sometimes we value things over our relationship with God. Those things - ideals, money, relationships, career, etc. - can cause us to focus more on the thing itself as a savior, turning it into an idol. If we turn to Jesus, we can tear down the idols and have renewed faith.

At times our lives need to be shaken for us to come back to a place of prayer. As we learn to call on God in times of trouble, He is faithful to meet us!

What happens when a believer turns away from God? Does God give up on them? God may allow difficulty to come into our lives to bring about repentance, but in His relentless love He will never stop pursuing us!

When we are betrayed by the one we love there is great pain and heart ache.  In this first message on our series on Hosea, we learn how we have all broken God’s heart through idolatry and sin.  Yet His love toward us remains steadfast and inexhaustible!

What is God’s attitude toward our desperate cries for help, even when we don’t deserve it? When we reach to Him in faith, we discover that God has not just enough, rather, an abundant mercy for us.

It is challenging to develop depth in any relationship, let alone with God. When we cultivate that true depth and intimacy in our relationship with Him, it can lead to effective, loving relationships with those around us!

How can we know for sure that we are going to heaven? What does it really mean to be “born again” and how can we be certain we are saved? Christ is the assurance of our salvation!

When we are praying for the fulfillment of God’s promises in our lives we are instructed in scripture to “wait on the Lord.”  But what does that really mean? How can we benefit from the process of waiting on God in a way that will result in the realization of God’s promise?

Who is Jesus to you? There are so many misconceptions about God that produce far-reaching implications for our lives. There is life-transforming power in knowing who God is and who you are in Christ!

There are certain struggles so destructive and entrenched in our lives that we can feel hopeless to overcome them. In Mark 5:1-20 we read the account of a man who’s life was dominated by dark spiritual forces that kept him trapped in terrible self-destructive behavior. Many tried to help this man but they were powerless to do so until Jesus came into his life and changed everything. As we study this incredible account of healing and deliverance you will be empowered to believe that there’s no power of darkness you can’t conquer through Christ!

Sometimes when we contemplate the vast brokenness in our world, we can become discouraged and wonder, “What can I possibly do about these things?” We are blessed to have life-giving resources directly from God, and we can share what He has given us to bring hope and healing to a world the desperately needs our help!

If we are not careful, we can become comfortable with a shallow spirituality. We can settle for stagnancy and lose the desire to go deeper in our walk with God. in 2020, let’s leave the shallow waters behind and press on to the deeper things of God!

It’s the time of year when most people make resolutions to better themselves in some way. However, the key to true success is letting Jesus Christ define that standard and be our foundation! Rather than focusing on doing it on our own, let’s look to Him!

It’s nothing short of a miracle for someone to come to faith in Jesus in a secular anti-Christ world. Yet just as He guided the wise men through the miracle of the Christmas star, God is still miraculously guiding people to faith in Christ today!

When all hope seemed lost, God sent His Son into the world. Just over 2000 years ago, Christ came to earth, fulfilling the promise to make peace and establish our way to the Father God. What implications does that have for our lives today?

The world desperately needs the church today to be an example of what “healthy” can look like. A healthy church is characterized by peace, among other things. When we listen to and are obedient to follow God’s direction, we become part of something much larger - the kingdom of God manifest in His church here on earth.

A thankful heart is the mark of a genuine Christian. Like the leper who was healed in Luke 17, when a redeemed heart really comes to grips with what Jesus has done for them, they cannot help but fall at His feet in worship and give thanks.

The true Christian lives in the tension of two extreme realities. On the one hand, we experience elation over our own salvation and on the other, deep sorrow for the lost who are separated from Christ’s love. As we continue in our series in the life of David, we will discover the spiritually empowering balance of living in the joy of our salvation while maintaining a heart of compassion for the lost!

When all hope seems lost there is only one thing we can do to break through the darkness. Looking at King David’s example, we can learn how to strengthen ourselves in the Lord in times of trouble!

In times of fear and desperation, we can be tempted to find solace in things we know are wrong. This obviously isn’t the best plan for a fulfilled life. However, there are lessons in King David’s life from which we can glean tools to avoid compromise and which help us to trust God through difficult times!

Our God is a God of mercy and as His children we are to display his heart of mercy to the world, even to those who oppose us. We are called to fulfill Christ’s command to love our enemies. His mercy always triumphs over judgment!

There comes a point when challenges are so great in our lives that we reach the end of our own strength. That is where David and his men were when they came to the Cave of Adullam. As you surrender to God, He can take you from failure and discontentment to great victory and purpose in Christ!

The presence of God is so powerful that even hardened sinners can be changed as they come under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes that is hard to believe. But we have an example in King David’s life of just how the power of God’s presence can transform our lives. It is such great truth!

“The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loves him as himself” (I Samuel 18:1). In this message, we will examine what constitutes a true God-centered friendship and discover how they are vital in helping us fulfill God’s purpose for our lives!

If left unchecked, jealousy is like a cancer that will devastate lives. As we look into parts of David’s life, we can see just how this can play out. The encouragement is that we can fight against jealousy, when we find our security in Christ alone. And He always makes a way out for us!

Christians are facing an hour of great resistance and intimidation today. In Bible times, a young David faced Goliath, a giant of intimidation, in a battle that David was “sure” to lose. However, with the power of God backing him, David defeats Goliath. The same is true for us today - with God’s power behind us, we can defeat the giants in our lives!

David was a shepherd, poet and giant slayer who became a victorious king. But he was also an adulterer and murderer. Discover how you too, through the ups and downs of life, can remain a man or woman after God’s own heart!

In ancient Hebrew tradition, man could not be in God’s presence and survive. In Matthew 27, a radical scene unfolds as Jesus gives up his spirit and life on the cross. At that same moment, the temple veil is torn from top to bottom, symbolizing that our access to the presence God through Jesus Christ is renewed!

There are three witnesses (determining factors) mentioned in 1 John 5 that verify Jesus is the Christ. These three “witnesses” must also be present in the life a believer to verify that one is truly born again. These three key factors will bolster your faith and make you an over-comer in Christ!

In our consumption society, we are conditioned to always want more. But are we grateful for the many blessings we already have? There is a key in gratitude that can unlock peace, joy and Heavenly favor in your life!

If God is with us, then why do we experience difficulty and failure in life? We will never come to understand the depths of our own spiritual depravity by being told - we must be shown. The knowledge of our powerlessness to overcome the sin nature only comes through struggle, suffering and, ultimately, the cross. God often uses our weaknesses, in fact, to build spiritual strength!

God’s ways are radically different than man’s. So why are we so prone to thinking conformity to the world will be effective? Spiritual transformation, rather than worldly conformation, is the path to the abundant Christian life!

God’s threshing floor is the place where reality is unveiled. It’s the place where we abandon the false and embrace the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Faithfulness. What does it really mean? What are the perks of being faithful? How do we develop this important fruit of the Spirit? We can, indeed, cultivate a life of faithfulness in Christ.

We may understand theologically that God loves us, but when we go through difficult times it can be hard to comprehend the full love of God. There are depths of God’s abiding love that are enough to carry us through every season of life!

What happens when we turn from idolatry and cry out to God for freedom? The life of Hezekiah is a great example of God’s willingness deliver all who turn to Him in repentance and prayer!

What does it look like when God calls a person out of the world and into relationship with Himself? What does being “in the world but not of the world” really mean? In this message, we will examine how to live a successful, vibrant Christian life in an antichrist world.

The Kingdom of God is an "inverted" kingdom to our normal experiences in everyday life. To go high, you must go low. To find your life, you must lose it. To receive, you must give. To be free, you must surrender. This sounds counter-intuitive, but once you know who He is and in Whom you are trusting, you can’t help but surrender all to your loving savior!

In Genesis 28 Jacob has a profound encounter with the Lord and calls that place Bethel, which means “House of God.” Thousands of years later God’s House (the church) is still meant to be the place where heaven meets earth, where relationship with God is developed.  Discover how you too can have a deep intimacy with Christ that will enable you to shine brightly in the darkness of this world!

Life is a journey that includes both wonderful mountain top experiences and also times where we go through the valley of struggle.  We credit God responsible for our victories in life, but where is He when we are in the valley difficulty?  God is always present and working His good plan through our lives no matter what season we are in.  He is God of the Hills & Valleys!

The Christian life is a faith journey where we will fight many battles. The good news is that the Word of God outlines a plan for us on how we can employ the heavenly weapons provided through Christ to live a victorious life!

Even the most faithful among us can experience spiritual dryness. One of the blessings of being in Christ is access to spiritual renewal!

We may not fully realize it or understand it yet, but our souls desperately want to come home to God. Nothing in this world will stop your wondering, your striving, that sense of never finding what you were created for. Only the unconditional love of the Heavenly Father will satisfy your soul!

Psalm 103:4 declares “He redeems your life from the pit.” Through Christ, redemption not only determines your eternal destiny, it empowers you to live the abundant life in the here and now!

Jesus came not only to secure our salvation but also to heal our brokenness. One of the major benefits of walking with Christ is access to physical and emotional healing. He is everything we need to experience a wholly complete life!

Everyone wants to be blessed with health and happiness. But what does contentment in life really look like?  Forgiveness opens us to the fullness of the blessed life in Jesus. God extends His grace and forgiveness to each of us, and we in turn, are expected to forgive others. This one thing

The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the single most transforming events in human history. Discover, through these events, the sacrificial love of God in a way that will change your life forever!

Jesus may be part of your private religious life, but is he welcome in ALL areas of your life? Spiritual revival is only possible when we are willing to invite Jesus into every part of our lives, no longer confining Him to just the four walls of the church!

Some feel unworthy to taste the goodness of God as His chosen ones. However, through Christ, we unveil just how worthy we are to experience all of His promises!

Some think Christianity is about rule-following and self-deprivation, making life boring and burdensome. But our purpose is to be “those who look to [Christ] will be RADIANT” and radiate with His “goodness, peace and joy” to be examples to those around us!

There is a war being waged in the spiritual realm for every soul.  Despite the forces arrayed against us, God will not abandon His children! He will deliver us like a “brand plucked from the fire!”

How do repentance & faith work together?  Where does one start and the other begin?  There is great power in combining genuine faith and walking in the righteousness of Christ!

If we only knew the gift that God has for us and who He is!  How can we learn to receive from Him so that our response will bring Him honor? Our response can also encourage relevant service to our friends and neighbors and lead us into an abundant and full life!

Overcoming fear is a major obstacle to experiencing the fullness of the Christian life. But, when we give God our fears and trust His promises, we can have an abundant and full life!

While sailing to Rome, the apostle Paul gets caught in a violent storm, threatening destruction for all on board.  Today we, too, are headed for shipwreck as our culture and nation have drifted far away from God. But it’s not too late to turn back to God and believe for another spiritual awakening in our land!

It has been said that theology can be disputed but “you can’t argue with a changed life.” How does sharing our story of finding new life in Christ open others’ hearts to the reality of God’s love? There IS power in our testimony!

The true follower of Christ won’t be satisfied with worldly pleasures or dead religion.  Only a vibrant relationship with Jesus will satisfy the deepest longings of the soul.  There will be times when we are tempted to revert to old patterns, but we can avoid the pitfalls of religious formality and develop a thriving relationship with Christ!

If God is good, why is there suffering in the world?  Are health and wealth always God’s will for believers, or could suffering be part of God’s plan for us? This message is a continuation of our Acts series, where we consider the purpose of suffering in the context of ultimate triumph through Christ!

Proverbs 20:6 states “Many claim unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?” In other words, true faithfulness is a rare quality. What does it really mean to be a faithful servant of Christ?

This world is designed to wear you down and sap your spiritual strength. If you’re tired of barely scraping by in life, there is hope in Christ. Learn how to have your strength renewed so you can move from surviving to thriving in Christ!

When you look ahead to 2019 what do you see? Do you see another year of defeat in your life and spiritual decline in world? Do you see an opportunity for personal victory and spiritual awakening in our land? Seeing with eyes of faith can transition your life from continued failure to victory in Christ!

On that first Christmas night, the wise men and the shepherds were seeking out the newly born Savior.  We too can seek and find a fresh life-changing relationship with the Savior of the world. It’s such great news!

This is the season of the coming of Christ into the world - when He came to meet us in our humanity. As we reflect on the incredible love of God in sending His Son to us, we will receive fresh hope in the goodness of God’s plan for our lives!

The early church flourished as the power of God was on display through "extraordinary miracles" (Acts 19:11). Living a powerless, ordinary Christian life can be frustrating. However, God’s intent is for our lives to demonstrate His extraordinary power!

Everyone has a lifestyle. Our lifestyle defines what we do, how we live, what we value. Pastor Chris shares how we can develop a kingdom lifestyle of sharing the love of Christ with the people in our daily lives!

It is obvious that Jesus is the central figure of the Christian faith, but what about the Holy Spirit? Do you have a clear understanding of who the Holy Spirit is and what His role is in the life of a believer? As we continue our journey through Acts, we find out how we can have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. And that changes our lives forever!

Sometimes we can become very discouraged trying to reach people for Christ in a secular, anti-Christian environment. But we are never as alone as we might think. Even in the darkest places, God has prepared many hearts to receive the gospel if we are willing to speak!

Having an effective and powerful prayer life is vital to our relationship with God and others. How we can go from hopeful praying to effective, powerful and confident prayers that have amazing results?

While in Athens the Apostle Paul noticed an alter inscribed “To An Unknown God.” Paul realized that even with their pantheon of “gods”, the Greeks understood they did not truly know God. With all the different religions & ideas about spirituality today, can we truly know God? We can, in fact, have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe!

At the core of every human life is the desire for freedom. But what does true freedom mean for the Christian? What is its ultimate purpose? Acts 16 holds a surprising answer to the true purpose for your freedom in Christ!

At some point or another, we will all be hurt by someone close to us.  What is the importance of extending forgiveness? Why should we give people a second chance when experiencing failure?

The Council of Jerusalem was a pivotal point in the development of the early church. Is salvation maintained through keeping the works of the law or by grace through faith in Christ alone? Your answer to this question will have a profound impact on your life both now and for eternity! 

In our fallen nature, we are prone to promote ourselves above the interests of others.  But what would happen if we chose to live for the will of God and the sake of others? We will explore the costly yet powerful impact of a selfless life.

In our postmodern age of moral relativism, how can we understand truth and the difference between right and wrong? Apprehension of truth is wholly dependent on how we respond to the gospel!

Have you discovered God’s purpose for your life? How can we hear more clearly from God to receive direction for our lives? What does God-inspired, God-empowered ministry look like?  We explore these questions and more in this message, as we continue in our study of the book of Acts.

How do you maintain peace in the midst of adversity & deep darkness of the soul? Developing our friendship with God is key to effectively employing the weapon of prayer in a time of need!

The church in Antioch was the first thriving, Spirit-filled church comprised of Jews AND Gentiles.  We, too, even today, can be an ethnically diverse, spirit-empowered church that will greatly impact the world!

Coming to faith in Christ secures our salvation, but it’s only the beginning of a life-transformative process. We can examine Paul’s life post-conversion to learn how we, too, can overcome the challenges of transitioning to a new life in Christ!

The Lord's Prayer has often been memorized but is rarely understood. Using Christ's blueprint, we too can experience the power of effective prayer!

We all agree on the importance of loving our neighbors. But what about the neighbor who is mean to us, or even those who are actively trying to destroy us? How can we gain access to both the motivation and the strength to truly love our enemies?

Saul was heading down a certain direction in life when God intervened and completely turned everything around. God can transform even the most unlikely person and use them to change the world for His glory!

When we are willing to make ourselves available to be used by God, incredible opportunities abound everywhere!  We see this as we look at Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch. Our willingness to be present can be a gateway to being used powerfully to lead others to Christ!

The martyrdom of Stephen began a wave of persecution that scattered the church throughout the surrounding regions, which only served to spread the Gospel even further. Sometimes, adversity can become the most effective opportunity we have to spread the love of Christ!

Servants are considered the lowest rung of society, yet Jesus said the greatest in the Kingdom is the servant.  As we study the extraordinary life of Stephen, we get a glimpse into how we can go from humble servant to bold witness, “full of grace and power.”

There is no shortage of self-help gurus today with advice on how to overcome life’s challenges to find “success." But does their message align with God’s Word?  Learn the keys to becoming indomitable in Christ!

Sometimes we can be so bound by destructive behaviors and attitudes that only the hand of God can open our prison doors. But there is hope! The power of Christ in us can move us from bondage to boldness!

What should church really look like? Is it composed of those that are strong, wise and gifted? Or is it the weak, the broken and the poor who constitute the true body of Christ? You may be surprised to learn the true nature of the church Jesus intended to build.

We often struggle to reconcile the goodness of God with the wrath of God.  There is an understanding of the balance between the love of God and the fear of the Lord, and uderstanding this balance can change your life forever!

Since the establishment of the early church, believers have always experienced persecution, yet Christianity continues to thrive throughout the world. How can standing strong in the face of opposition increase the power of God at work in your life?

What's the difference between a mediocre religious life and an extraordinary life in Christ? In a word, PRAYER! Prayer can unlock the power of God working through your life!

In Acts 3, Peter encounters a lame beggar who gets miraculously healed. But how? You, too, can experience a miracle where it is needed in your life. What are the conditions that can lead to a miracle manifesting in your life?

After Pentecost the early church experienced tremendous multiplication, but how did they accomplish this? Discover how you can employ these same principles today to experience a vibrant, fruitful life in Christ!

Waiting on the Lord in prayer is difficult, but it’s the only pathway to spiritual empowerment.  God's power was poured out on the early church during Pentecost, and that very same spiritual power is available to us today through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit!

God’s redemption plan was secured by the death and resurrection of Christ, but the story didn’t end there. How can we, like those in the early church, flourish in the face of fierce opposition and receive fresh empowerment to be an effective witness for Christ today?

Western culture has taught us that fulfillment comes from focusing on accomplishing our own dreams and accumulating wealth. But the truth is that the real “abundant life” in Christ comes when we give our lives away for the sake of others.

Throughout history we find time and again that God chooses unqualified, undeserving, ordinary people to do extraordinary things. We, too, can partner with God to accomplish the impossible through our lives!

Deep down inside, people from all walks of life have been asking the same question - what is the meaning of life? Jesus had a simple, yet profound, answer to this most important question.

Two depressed and discouraged disciples were on the road to Emmaus when they encountered the risen Christ. As they walked with Jesus, their spirits were lifted and hope was restored.  Do you find yourself in a  similar place on your journey through life, stifled by discouragement? Christ can free you from this discouragement and restore your hope!

"You are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. He is not here, for He is risen, just as He said." We have glorious eternal life because of the power in His resurrection. He took on our sin and shame in exchange for OUR relationship with God the Father. His selfless sacrifice means our best life, and that is truly a wonderful gift!

As predicted by the prophets, Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem with jubilant shouts of praise.  How then, did these same people hand Him over to be crucified just a few days later? What does it mean to truly welcome Jesus into our lives?

Christianity is a radically different experience when we are pursuing the presence of God. People can see Jesus in us, when we posture ourselves to actively seek His presence. So, how do we cultivate a church environment that is saturated with the presence of God?

In order to withstand the pressures coming against the true believer in our increasingly godless modern culture, we need to know how to win the secret battles. The key to mastering this is maintaining a clean conscience and cultivating confidence before God and man.

Jesus' earthly ministry was devoted to communicating the truth of the gospel with unsaved people. How can we develop a healthy church community that shares God's heart for the lost? After all, "The Son of Man (Jesus) came to seek and to save the lost."

Jesus commanded us to “make disciples of all nations”, but what exactly does that mean? In a culture of fierce individualism, how do we become true disciples of Christ? We need to be actively seeking to gain a true Biblical understanding of discipleship. This will enable us to live vibrant Christian lives and effectively fulfill the Great Commission!

Somehow in our postmodern culture, we have forgotten that the legitimate church of Jesus Christ has always been a supernatural body. A church that is increasingly functioning without the power of God is another sign that a storm is coming. How do we develop a church culture that depends on God's ability and not our own?

As Christianity becomes an increasingly less relevant part of modern culture, we have allowed society to redraw our priority lines so that our lives are no longer ordered around the things of God. We need to return to the restoration of Christ & His church as the center of Christian life!

In Matthew 17, Peter, James and John are with Jesus on a mountain where His appearance is transfigured before them.  This was a powerful encounter that must have served to solidify their faith in Jesus as the messiah.  However, it also revealed their tendency toward legalism and tradition, which brought a strong exhortation from God Himself.  Join us as we expose the insidious nature of legalism and learn how to guard against its destructive power in our spiritual life.

In the first sermon this series, we explored the importance of breaking free from generational curses. This week we reflect on the importance of contending for our God-given inheritance in the face of resistance that will surely come. In Genesis 26, Isaac discovers that the wells dug by his father, Abraham, have been stopped up. Like the patriarch Isaac, and the Samaritan woman who met Jesus at Jacob's well years later, if we persist in our pursuit of "living water," we will have access to all blessings that belong to us in Christ!

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We have a spiritual inheritance that the enemy has tried to bury so that we cannot get access to it. However, in order to lay hold of our inheritance, we must first break generational curses that are keeping us bound to the past and keeping us from apprehending all that God has promised us in Christ.  We await breakthrough as we re-dig the wells of revival in our own lives, in the church and in our nation!

The cost of our redemption was everything God had to give, and so we understand that gaining anything of true spiritual value will be costly. If we are ever to rise above mere human strength, we must learn to overcome the challenges and difficulties in life, which become our schools of faith and character.  Let’s believe for 2018 to be the year where we finally embrace our weakness, and exchange it for the overcoming power of God!

God devised a plan to redeem our lives, even though Adam and Eve sinned in the beginning. His plan was one of ultimate sacrifice - to offer His only Son, Jesus, for our redemption. And He chose to send His son, our Savior, as a baby, weak and needy so that we could identify with Him. At Christmastime, we are afforded the celebration of that severe mercy and grace. What a gift Jesus is to us!

When we continue to cry out to God, there eventually comes a tipping point when He finally responds. This was the atmosphere in Israel suffering under Roman occupation before Jesus was born. Talk of the Messiah was everywhere, in every synagogue and at every dinner table. God finally responded by sending not just their deliverer, but the savior of the whole world. Today as our nation has drifted far away from God, there is once again a deep heart cry rising from people everywhere longing for deliverance. Can you hear it?

During times of struggle, it can appear as though God has abandoned us. In actuality, He is waiting patiently until the difficulty of our circumstances has produced an awareness that life without Him is empty and futile. Then, at just the right moment, God breaks into our lives with His love and mercy and changes everything.

Becoming a Christian doesn't just mean you have entered into a relationship with Christ, it means you have become a member of His body. For believers, living in community is not just a novel idea - it is essential for spiritual health and growth. So how do we thrive in Christ through being connected to spiritual family?

Although salvation is a free gift, no one said that the Christian life would be easy! In fact, there is a spiritual battle that is continually being waged to destroy the life of the sincere believer. In this week's sermon, we will look at what it means to put on the full armor of God, so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the enemy.

The key to successful relationships in every sphere of life is learning how to walk in humility and mutual submission. But how do we submit when we are dealing with an imperfect, flawed individual? There is power in mutual submission, as it is approached "in the fear of Christ."

Marriage is a vital institution because it determines the health of our families and by extension, human civilization depends on it. But marriage is sacred for one more very important reason: It is a representation of the relationship between Christ and the church. Join us as we seek to understand why marriage is such a powerful and profound symbol of Christ’s love for us.

How does someone who is a Christian fall into spiritual slumber? And how does one wake up and regain their spiritual fervor? We have a rich history of spiritual revival going back to biblical times, right up until the modern-day church movement around the world. Let's examine the process of revival in our individual lives, church families and the world beyond us.

Jesus came to earth not only to atone for sin but also to provide a tangible demonstration of the character of God for mankind. In fact, the Scriptures say that He is "the exact representation of His (God's) nature." How then can we, too, be imitators of Christ?

When we are born again, we became a new creation. However, because the "old self" was not eradicated upon conversion, we need to learn to walk daily in our new nature in Christ. We can, and will, learn how to lay aside the old self and "put on the new self" in Christ.

The Scripture says, "When He (Jesus) ascended on high, He led a host of captives, and He gave gifts to men." (Ephesians 4:8) This week we will explore how Christ both liberated and empowered believers with spiritual gifts for "the building up of the body of Christ." 

The hallmark of Christian community is expressed through the presence of supernatural love and unity.  As we continue to explore the book of Ephesians, we will learn how to "preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

Since the fall of man in garden, God has been moving throughout human history to unfold His redemption plan. Although there were clues along the way, it was never entirely clear how God would accomplish salvation for His people. In this portion of our study of the book of Ephesians, we will learn about "The mystery of Christ, which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men" (Ephesians 3:5).

At the time we were born again, the scripture says that "when we were dead in our transgressions, (God) made us alive together with Christ" (Ephesians 2:5). There is a stark contrast between life with Christ and life without Him. As we continue our study in Ephesians, we will find fresh strength and encouragement to continue to leave our old way of life behind and fully embrace our new life in Christ.

What happens when vision, active faith, and obedient risk, come together in the power of the Holy Spirit?  The kingdom of God gets built, and Light shines in the darkness!  Noah found this out when he built the ark as described in Genesis 6, and we can find out what this means for our own lives as well!

Most Christians understand the importance of the resurrection of Christ in accomplishing their salvation. But many do not understand that this same resurrection power is continually available to us in our Christian life. In part 2 of our series on the book of Ephesians, we will explore what is "the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.” (Ephesians 1:19)

In Ephesians 1:10 Paul says “all things are summed up in Christ.” Our existence, our redemption, our purpose on earth, our destiny in heaven; all these things come to us through Jesus Christ. Join us as we explore what it means to live life in the fullness of Christ, so that our lives can bring glory to Christ!
***NOTE: We apologize for the quality of this recording and pray that you still receive everything God wants to speak to you through the word.

Like the Laodiceans, we are generally a wealthy, self-reliant people, blinded from recognizing our deep depravity apart from the grace of God in our lives. Yet even in our spiritual apathy Jesus extends an invitation for deep intimacy that can radically transform our lives!

Jeremiah 8:3-6 is a dramatic depiction of the choice that the Lord gives each one of us to choose Him and His ways over the paths of "death."  Genesis to Revelation in the Scriptures reveal that we are responsible for the choices we make here on earth in the sight of the Lord.  And yet, God draws us to the sheer beauty of Jesus Christ and His powerful, merciful, love filled kingdom.  His kingdom is ultimate Reality and a precious place to dwell!

According to Jesus, the church in Sardis was in serious trouble. They needed to be awakened from a spiritual slumber that had set in because of compromising on the exclusivity of the claims of Christ. If we are not careful we can find ourselves in the same predicament today.  If we water down the truth of the gospel in an effort to be inclusive, we are rendering it powerless, which leaves us with a spiritually dead form of Christianity. We will discuss the importance of “speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:5) and how to avoid compromising the truth "in the name" of love.

The church in Thyatira had a lot of good things going for it.  It was commended by Jesus for its continual growth in love, faith and good works.  However, it had one serious Achilles heel that threatened its demise.  It had developed a culture of tolerance for false teaching and immortality.  As we examine Christ's message to the church in Thyatira we will explore the importance of maintaining a culture of reverence for the truth of God's word, and for holy living.

Continuing with the sermon theme of emotional health, how can we as the body of Christ be devoted to fellowship (Acts 2:42) in a way that brings honor to God and allows the Lord to nourish one another's souls through spiritual relationship? The first powerful principle discussed in Pastor Peter Scazzero's book, The Emotionally Healthy Church, invites believers to "take a deep, hard, look inside their hearts asking, 'What is going on that Jesus Christ is trying to change?  They understand that a person's life is like an iceberg, with the vast majority of who we are lying deep beneath the surface.'"

A church of Jesus Christ can only be as healthy as its members are emotionally healthy.  And we are all growing more and more like Jesus Christ, including the elders and pastors of a church.  We are all in this sanctification process together.  Acts 2:42 implores us to be "devoted to fellowship" and it implies that it is healthy fellowship.  How can we be devoted to fellowship in an emotionally healthy way that brings honor to God and allows the Lord to nourish one another's souls through spiritual relationship.  We must grow emotionally and God will help us!

The people of Pergamum were known as the "Temple-keepers of Asia", with multiple temples of pagan Gods drawing worshipers from the entire region.  The church in Pergamum was under tremendous pressure to adhere to the dominant pagan culture.  Some Christians gave in to the pressure and co-mingled their faith in Christ with pagan worship, which drew sharp condemnation by Christ and a call to repentance.  But what about us?  Are we allowing the neo-pagan culture of our day to seep into our lives and even influence our faith?  We will discuss how to guard against assimilation with the world, and how to access the empowering grace of God to walk faithfully in Christ.

The first century church in Smyrna experienced severe persecution under emperor Domitian, with many being martyred for their faith. However, rather than weakening the church, the opposition they experienced only served to make them stronger. Today we find ourselves in a culture that is increasingly hostile to those who want to live for Christ. What can we learn from the Church of Smyrna so that we too can grow stronger in our faith even in the face of opposition? We will explore this and more in part 2 of our series on The 7 Churches of Revelation.

This begins a series based on Jesus' messages to the seven churches in the book of Revelation in chapters 2 and 3. As Jesus evaluates these churches, we see seven different spiritual conditions represented. Christ’s admonition to these churches provides great insight into how to be successful not only as a church body, but also as individual Christians. Jesus said to these churches, “He who has an ear let Him hear what the Spirit says to the churches”. Let’s listen carefully to the words of Jesus and apply them tour lives so we can live healthy, effective Christian lives for the glory of God!

True wealth, harmony with God's creation, and providential care, all result from learning and acting on the wisdom of the Lord (Proverbs 3:13-26).  The entire Bible, and the book of Proverbs in particular, is loaded with wisdom that our loving, heavenly Father desires to share with us.

Do you ever feel like your life is unimportant and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things? I bet Esther felt this way as an orphaned peasant girl living away from her homeland in Persia around 475 B.C. Yet, if you remove Esther from the history of Israel, the whole nation would have been eradicated, and the Hebrew lineage would have stopped short of the birth of Jesus Christ. Your life too has significant meaning and purpose in God's plan of redemption. Without you fulfilling your God-given role in life, many people may never know the love of Christ.

Interpersonal communication is often the front line in the battle between light and darkness, especially within families.  Ephesians 4:1-3 implores believers to communicate with humility, gentleness, patience, and love, "being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."  Our homes can become the places of love, encouragement, and honor we desire them to be.

After multiple plagues and confrontations with Moses, Pharaoh agrees to let the Israelites go but refuses to allow their children and flocks/herds to go with them.  From a spiritual perspective, the same struggle is present in our own lives as Christians.  Having lost the battle for our soul, the enemy shifts his focus to trying to limit our effectiveness as believers.  As we leave Egypt behind, let's determine to take back everything that has been stolen from us through deception.  Like Moses, we must remain resolute that everything God has promised us in Christ is ours and will not be left behind on this journey of faith!

Sometimes when we are at our lowest point in life we are tempted to give up and start to believe the lie that God has abandoned us.   It's important in these times of trial and vulnerability, that we are listening to the right voices.  In the 5th chapter of the gospel of Mark we read of two individuals facing the most desperate of circumstances.  While others had written them off as hopeless, one encounter with Jesus changed everything.  No matter what difficulty you are facing today, you are never hopeless.  One touch from Jesus can radically change your life!

The resurrection of Christ is the single most significant event in human history.  It was the culmination of God's plan to save His people from the deadly consequences of turning away from Him, extending all the way back to the garden of Eden.  When Jesus arose from the dead roughly two thousand years ago, he defeated death and broke its power over those who would place their trust in Him as savior.   This message is broken into two components; the significance of the cross in atoning for sin, and the importance of the resurrection in accomplishing redemption for mankind.

All four gospel accounts record Jesus's "Triumphal Entry" into the city of Jerusalem as the prophesied Messianic King (Zechariah 9:9)!  Jesus stirred up the city with this humble, yet spiritually dramatic entry (Mathew 21:10).  Will we acknowledge Jesus as King moment by moment today, and "throw our coats on the ground and waive palm branches" as He rides into every area of our hearts.


"Do you ever get a vague feeling that something feels off in your soul?  Psalm 142:5 says, "I cried out to you , O Lord; I said, You are my refuge, My portion in the land of the living."  God promises to "supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19).  If we'll let him, Jesus will show himself to be Enough for sure!


Romans 13:4 says that Government "is a minister of God to you for good."  And Theologian Wayne Grudem writes, "….if pastors and church members say, ‘I’m going to be silent about the moral and ethical issues that we face as a nation,’ that will leave a moral vacuum, and it will not be long until the ultimate adversaries of the Gospel –Satan and his demons – will rush in and influence every decision in a way contrary to Biblical standards. And if that happens, then governments around the world will increasingly use their tremendous power to silence the church.”  How is a faithful follower of Jesus Christ to respond?


As we look to the New Year with hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God exhorts us to walk no longer in futile thinking and darkened understanding, but to instead lay aside the old self and "put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth" (Ephesians 4:17-24).  As citizens of heaven, we have been given vision and power to see and move in a reality that transcends this world and allows us to walk faithfully in the way that Jesus compels us to go for His glory!


The birth of Jesus Christ is "good news of great joy which will be for all the people" (Luke 2:10).  This message encourages us to rely on the Holy Spirit and to be sure we "recognize" Jesus for who He really is this Christmas season.  The book of Hebrews is explored, highlighting the promised Messiah as the Mediator of a new and better Covenant. There is so much to be joyful about the coming of humanity's Savior King Jesus!


Last week we examined 4 bible characters who lived life in the overflow of the presence and power of God.  This week we are going to go a little deeper and see how this overflow works and operates in our lives.  The scripture speaks of three different kinds of people in this world.  The natural man who cannot understand the things of God (1 Corinthians 2:14), the carnal man controlled by his own passions (1 Corinthians 3:3) and the spiritual man walking in subjection to the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:15).  We will explore what it means to be a mature spiritual man or woman, governed and led by the Spirit of God.

Lasting transformation doesn’t result from a new year’s resolution.  Most of our self-efforts to change are short-lived and end in disappointment.  We will be examining 4 bible characters who had a life-changing encounter with God that was followed by an ongoing inner renewal that lasted a lifetime. Each of these people was “like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither” (Psalm 1:3).  The psalmist here describes a person that is continually being filled up and energized by the grace of God, and as result is overflowing with spiritual fruit.  Let’s determine to live continually in the overflow of the presence and power of God in our lives!


1 Peter 2:21 says, "For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps."  This scripture leads us to an important truth as we endeavor to catch the "little foxes" that are spoiling the vineyard of our lives.  When you decide to stand against attitudes or behaviors that get between the loving relationship you have with Jesus, there is often a great pressure placed on the soul that can be described as suffering.  We can endure this suffering though in God's strength, and go on to realize the victory we have in Christ Jesus!


The phrase "take courage" is a powerful one and used throughout the Old and New Testaments by God to encourage humans in many different situations.  Could you use more courage in your life as you face the challenges of life in a fallen world? You are not alone and the Lord desires that you "take courage," as we obey Him and come to His precious son Jesus.


Fear can dramatically hinder our walk with God, tempting us to become discouraged, distracting us from Kingdom truth, and challenging our faith to stand on the promises of God.  The Lord understands this struggle and desires to encourage us in the same way He strengthened the Patriarch Issac declaring, "Do not fear, for I am with you" (Genesis 26:24)!


John Chapter 15:1-17 is intimate Scripture capturing Jesus's heart and vision for His disciples on the evening before His crucifixion.  His words tell us that we must "abide" in Him.  How is this done and what does it mean for victorious Christian living, friendship with Jesus, bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God, and loving one another?  We are shaped by the Lord to function as branches in the True Vine, Jesus Christ!

In their quest to posses the promised land the Israelites would have to fight many battles. However, one of their enemies changed tactics and instead of aggression, they turned to cunning deception to negotiate a peace treaty that would allow them to remain in the land.  We too face many enemies in our walk with God, but none are so dangerous or insidious as those that gain access to our soul through deception, becoming entrenched in our lives over time.  These "thorns in the flesh" are often not defeated easily, and we can find ourselves engaged in an on-going battle.  However, If you continue to trust the Lord, He can turn your struggle into fuel for the grace of God in your life, providing new strength to walk in victory!

After an incredible victory over Jericho unmistakably accomplished by the hand of God, the Israelites decided in their next battle that they did not need to consult with God for guidance, wisdom and strength, and the result was utter failure. We often experience the same pattern at work in our own lives as believers. We cry out to God in the midst of difficulty and He answers us and delivers us.  Then we slowly begin to take the favor and power of God for granted and stop seeking Him, tragically thinking we can have success walking in our own strength.  Yet even when we have failed miserably and find ourselves in “The Valley of Trouble”, God provides a Door of Hope!


How does God call us to think about the time he has given us on earth after we have been redeemed, restored and born again?  Where can godly motivation for living be found and in what context are we called to live lives pleasing to God, "no longer for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf."  2 Corinthians Chapter 5 provides much insight.


You are shaped for an eternity with a loving God, but there are competing ideas about where we came from, the meaning of life, and where we are headed after this life, if anywhere.  And the prevailing view of our age in the West is that you can’t know because there are so many different paths.  Any if there are so many paths, then they must all be right in some way, or somehow lead to the same place. But we know that Jesus himself said, “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.  For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it (Mathew 7:13-14).


Today's message looks at several people in the Bible whom God used to bless others through their ability to hear God, and their willingness to obey God.  And it is not so different in our own lives today.  God is still speaking, calling us to the Truth of the Scriptures, and encouraging and empowering us to be used to bless others by walking in the vision and plans He has placed on our hearts.

As the Israelites continued their journey through the wilderness, God was teaching them to walk in total reliance upon Him.  However, they quickly learned that surviving the harsh conditions of the wilderness required not only reliance on God, but also reliance on one another.  They had to be willing to bear one another’s burdens and share the responsibility of protecting and building their new community, which would ultimately be forged into a mighty nation.  Similarly, if we are to be successful in our walk with God, we must be committed to serving one another and carrying one another’s burdens.  In doing so, we “fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2), and we demonstrate the kind of love that bears witness to the love of Christ (John 13:35).


Jesus said, "Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again'" (John 3:7).  He also said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3).  John the Baptist, Jesus, and His 12 disciples all began their earthly ministries proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is at hand.  The Kingdom of God is a real place, and unlike this world which will pass away, the Kingdom of God is eternal, and begins with the born again experience.  Pastor Craig shares how he was introduced to the Kingdom of God 13 years ago as well.


Multiple times God said to Pharaoh through Moses, “Let My people go so that they may serve WORSHIP Me”.  Other times He would say “Let My people go so that they may serve SERVE Me”.   We learn then that God’s purpose for delivering His people from bondage is so that they can be free to worship Him and serve Him.  But deliverance did not come easy as Pharaoh was not willing to let them go without a fight.  One thing is as certain for us as it was for the Israelites.  The forces of darkness that would try and hold us captive are no match for the power of God at work in our lives.  God has purchased your freedom through Christ so that you may be free to WORSHIP Him and SERVE Him all the days of your life!


Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm my own worst enemy?"  Galatians 5:17 tells us, "For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please."  Regular bible interaction, activated by prayer and faith, can supernaturally prepare us to win the war with our sinful nature.


Coming into the temple in Jerusalem, Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers and drove out all those who sold merchandise;  But why?  When Jesus entered the temple His first priority was to forcefully cleanse it from all forms of idolatry and evil practices.  In the same way when we are born again Christ comes into the temple of our hearts and immediately begins His cleansing work, driving out all forms of idolatry so He can take His rightful place of preeminence in our lives.  This process can be challenging and even painful at times, but it will ultimately produce the peaceful fruitful of rigorousness in our lives.


There is a song in your heart. Did you know that?  Metaphorically speaking, the song in your heart celebrates and gives expression to that in which your soul delights.  Sadly, many celebrate those things that starve their souls and will ultimately drive them to their eternal death.  However, when you are born again, God puts a new song in your heart, and you can't help but give expression to that in which your soul delights; Jesus Christ!  As we will see in scripture, myriads of angelic beings and countless redeemed souls throughout history will sing the song of heaven for all eternity.  


Is life really “all about me?”  Has the Self Esteem movement convinced you that loving yourself is foundational to living a full life?  Yet the Scriptures teach us that the greatest commandment is to love God, and to love others (Luke 10:27); not ourselves.  Overemphasizing “Self” can have a devastating effect on our walk with Christ, without us even being aware of it.  

Throughout the old and new testament God would repeatedly remind His people of all that He had done for them.  They were to celebrate feasts and set up memorials so that throughout the generations they would remember how God supernaturally redeemed them and saved them from their enemies.  At times He would allow testing to remind them of their weakness and powerlessness without Him.  It is a dangerous thing to forget what God has done for us.  The exhortation Moses gave the Israelites still holds true for us today:  Beware lest you forget the Lord Your God!


For the Christian, life should not be focused on self, but rather on knowing God and making Him known.  The amazing thing is as we focus on growing in our relationship with Christ, we naturally develop a heart for those that do not know Him.  Reaching out to our friends and neighbors in love with the gospel of Christ is something that all Christians are called to do.


How as Christians are we able to "walk by the Spirit," as Galatians 5:16 implores us to do?  Is there a way that we can be "absorbed" in the kingdom of God in a way that allows us to live in the world, but not be of the world?  "Spiritual Disciplines," many of them as old as the church itself, can be powerful tools, helping us to walk intimately and victoriously with Jesus moment by moment.

There is an unseen cosmic battle being waged all around us for the the souls of men and women.  As Christians, we need to be equipped to fight in this spiritual battle. One of satan's greatest weapons is discouragement.  His goal is to get us to give up the fight, and surrender the idea that we can live a life of righteousness and victory through Jesus Christ.  There is much at stake: our marriages, our children, our testimony, and our calling to reach the lost for Christ.  Let's resolve to Never Surrender the fight for these things, knowing that Christ is with us and will not let us fail!

Two spiritual forces symbolically represented as rivers in scripture, are relentlessly at work to capture you and sweep you away in two very different directions.  One river leads to enslavement and destruction, while the other brings life, healing, and liberty wherever it goes.  The River of God is wild, unpredictable and involves great risk.  Those who are willing to trust in the goodness of God and jump in, will experience great peace, joy and freedom, even in the midst of life's trials.


Christians are, "the salt of the earth, and the light of the world" (Mathew 5:13-14).  Ultimately it is an act of love for Christians to "significantly influence" the political process, and yet our hope is not in politics, but in the Lord Himself.  There are some that want to "Make America Great Again," but the question is how?  Are we to expect that America will be great without following the Lord and His ways?

This world is designed to wear you down, and occupy every moment of your attention on earthly preoccupations so that you won’t have the energy to access the source of your true strength in Christ.  If we are not careful we can find ourselves in a place of spiritual exhaustion that leads to hopelessness and despair.  What are the traps that lead us down this dangerous road?  God didn't design you to just endure life, you were created to soar in the Spirit with Christ!

When we come to grips with our own weakness, we can humble ourselves before God and pray for the strength we need to face challenges in life.  As we will see, throughout history God's people have often turned to prayer and fasting when there is a need for repentance, spiritual breakthrough, or in preparation for effective ministry.  When men begin to call on the name of the Lord, nothing is impossible!